あぁ、CPANRecent のクローラとめたままだった。Sorry!

by typester / at 2006-01-15T19:44:00 / life / Comment

DBIC の Trigger


sub insert {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->created_date( DateTime->now ) unless $self->created_date;


by typester / at 2006-01-15T19:35:00 / perl / Comment

Static::Simple と StackTrace のロード


    do {
        my @plugins;
        push @plugins, 'StackTrace' if $ENV{CATALYST_DEBUG};
        push @plugins, 'Static::Simple' if $ENV{CATALYST_ENGINE} =~ /^HTTP/;
by typester / at 2006-01-15T18:32:00 / perl · catalyst / Comment


1.4.9 に。相変わらず mod_proxy 経由で svn のコミットできない

svn 側

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: OPTIONS request failed on '/public/stuff'
svn: OPTIONS of '/public/stuff': 400 Bad Request (http://svn.unknownplace.org)

lighty 側

2006-01-15 15:57:02: (request.c.985) GET/HEAD/OPTIONS with content-length -> 400

うーむ。OPTIONS ってこのlighttpdの挙動でいいんだっけ?

by typester / at 2006-01-15T15:59:00 / life / Comment

lighttpd 1.4.9

  • added server.core-files option (sandy )
  • added docs for mod_status
  • added mod_evasive to limit the number of connections by IP ()
  • added the power-magnet to mod_cml
  • added internal statistics to mod_fastcgi
  • added server.statistics-url to get internal statistics from mod_status
  • added support for conditional range-requests through If-Range
  • added static building via scons
  • fixed 100% cpu loops in mod_cgi ("sandy" )
  • fixed handling for secure-download.timeout (jamis@37signals.com)
  • fixed IE bug in content-charset in the output of mod_dirlisting (sniper@php.net)
  • fixed typos and language in the docs (ryan-2005@ryandesign.com)
  • fixed assertion in mod_cgi on HEAD request is Content-Length ()
  • fixed handling if equal but duplicate If-Modified-Since request headers
  • fixed endless loops in mod_fastcgi if backend is dead
  • fixed Depth: 1 handling in PROPFIND requests on empty dirs
  • fixed encoding of UTF8 encoded dirlistings (Jani Taskinen )
  • fixed initial bind to a unix-domain socket through server.bind
  • fixed handling of lowercase filesystems
  • fixed duplicate request headers cause by mod_setenv
by typester / at 2006-01-15T15:34:00 / life / Comment



by typester / at 2006-01-15T15:04:00 / life / Comment




とかで特定の人のログを追えるように。手抜きなので namespace フィルタと併用は出来ない。キーはCPAN IDです。

miyagawa+naoya+tokuhirom とかすれば複数人を対象にできるます。

by typester / at 2006-01-15T07:27:00 / perl / Comment



by typester / at 2006-01-15T01:36:00 / life / Comment